SEO Improvements
in progress
Joao Squillace
Sites created with Umso are SEO optimized to give out-of-the-box great SEO scores, however, we do have some work to be done to give customers more flexibility to customize their site and blog SEO. This roadmap feature includes a variety of small improvements, from being able to edit alt images to improving multi-language SEO compatibility.
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We have added support for custom image alt tags. The settings is available from the media picker.
Joao Squillace
in progress
We have now made it live improvements on our multilingual feature where each language of your pages have their own URL, which will help your site's SEO.
Hey :)
My SEA scores are good with UMSO.
Just need ALT TEXT for images =)
I'm afraid that this will make the UI more complex :/
Joao Squillace don't worry, we always make a great effort to keep this in mind when adding more features. As things get more complex we re-evaluate and re-design to make sure things are kept simple.
Sacha Mourain
This feature is really critical for us as our current SEO is terrible since we activated multi-language on our site... Can you give me more visibility on the release of these improvements please ?
Joao Squillace